Tikkun Olam Essays
- What Is Tikkun Olam and Why Does It Matter? An Overview
from Antiquity to Modern Times - Elliot N. Dorff - The Biblical Source for Tikkun Olam - Benjamin Blech
- Mi-p’nei Tikkun Ha-olam in Tannaitic Literature:
The Challenges of Law, Justice, and the Social Welfare - Gail Labovitz - The “Stuttering” Halakhot and Tikkun Olam - Martin S. Cohen
- Back to the Cave! Rabbi Shimon Bar Yoḥai’s Dilemma:
Torah or Tikkun Olam? - Noam Zion - Noachide Laws, Universal Justice, and Tikkun Olam - Michael J. Broyde and Ira Bedzow
- Mi-p’nei Tikkun Ha-olam (In Order to Preserve the Social Good): Chinks in the System, Humility, and Mimesis - Melanie Landau
- Darkhei Shalom: Communities Built on Peace and Harmony Repair the World - Raḥel Berkovits
- The Pilgrimage as Tikkun Olam - Rivon Krygier
- Fixing Tikkun Olam - Reuven P. Bulka
- Daring Decrees and Radical Responsibility:
Why Rabbinic Tikkun Olam Is Not What You Think - Meesh Hammer-Kossoy - The Seven-Year Fix - Nina Beth Cardin
- Tikkun Olam: An Over-Used Term and Its Missing “Inner Point” - Admiel Kosman
- Human Artistry and Tikkun Olam - Roberta Rosenthal Kwall
- A Theology of Jewish Social Justice - Sid Schwarz
- You Must Not Remain Indifferent:
Personal Decency and Social Justice - Bradley Shavit Artson - Tikkun Olam, Tikkun Atzmi: Healing the Self, Healing the World - James Jacobson-Maisels
- Tikkun Olam: Particular or Universal? - Vernon H. Kurtz
- Community and the Individual - Yehonatan Chipman
- Tikkun Olam: What’s a Rabbi To Do? - Daniel Greyber
- Tikkun Olam as Messianism: Macrocosmic Restoration through
Microcosmic Piety in Rav Kook - Aubrey L. Glazer - Tikkun Olam as Text and Context: Interpreting the Jewish
Mandate to Fix the World through Law, Liturgy, and Narrative - Adena K. Berkowitz - Pinḥas, the Quest for Purity, and the Dangers of Tikkun Olam - Geoffrey Claussen
- Authentic Tikkun in the Writings of Emil Fackenheim - Jeremy Gordon
- Tikkun Olam as an Antidote to Hash·ḥatat Yishuvo shel Olam
(The Destruction of Society) - Jill Jacobs - The Relationship Between Spirituality and Morality
in Deepening the Commitment to Tikkun Olam - Jonathan Wittenberg