
The duty of Tzedakah is in the heart on the preoccupation of the community Adath Shalom. For many years, the Massorti community in Paris participates actively in collecting donations for the national campaign of Tzedakah organized by AUJF (Appel Unifié Juif de France). “To think of others” is the congregation keyword. The amount collected from donations help children in is Israel. Adath Shalom is now in contact with FSJU (Fond Social Juif Unifié) with the hope of a future partnership.

ALEPH was created through a merger in 1993 between the P'nai Or Religious Fellowship founded by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in 1962, and The Shalom Center, founded by Rabbi Arthur Waskow in 1983. (In 2005, the Shalom Center became again an independent organization.) ALEPH supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal by organizing and nurturing communities, developing leadership, creating liturgical and scholarly resources, and working for social and environmental justice.

The American Jewish University, formerly the separate Institutions University of Judaism and Brandeis-Bardin Institute, is a Jewish, non-denominational educational institution in Los Angeles, California. Its largest component is its Whizin Center for Continuing Education. A prominent program of the Center is the university's annual speaker series, featuring luminaries like Tony Blair, Colin Powell, and other political and diplomatic leaders. AJU's academic division includes the College of Arts and Sciences, Business, Communication Arts & Advocacy, Jewish Studies, Political Science and Psychology. AJU offers graduate degrees through the Fingerhut School of Education, The David L. Lieber Graduate School, and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, a Conservative Jewish rabbinical seminary. AJU is host to the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program, which prepares students to convert to Judaism and engages interfaith couples and families, as well as three "think tanks": the Institute on American Jewish-Israel Relations, and the Sigi Ziering Institute for Exploring the Ethical and Religious Implications of the Holocaust and the Center for Policy Options. Through the Brandeis-Bardin Institute, the University has oversight over Camp Alonim and Gan Alonim Day Camp.

Bar-Ilan University (is a university in Ramat Gan of the Tel Aviv District, Israel. Established in 1955, Bar Ilan is now Israel's second-largest academic institution. It has nearly 26,800 students (including 9,000 students in its affiliated regional colleges) and 1,350 faculty members. Bar-Ilan University has eight faculties: Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Jewish Studies, Medicine, Engineering, and Law. There are also interdisciplinary studies. The University aims to forge closer links between Torah and universal studies, "to blend tradition with modern technologies and scholarship, and teach the compelling ethics of Jewish heritage to all... to synthesize the ancient and modern, the sacred and the material, the spiritual and the scientific.

Beit Knesset Moreshet Yisrael was founded in 1972. It has been serving as a home for Jerusalem’s English speaking community and travelers from all corners of the world. Divrei Torah is delivered in English and Hebrew and our siddurim and chumashim are also in both languages. The services are fully egalitarian. Founded by dedicated olim from the United States, Moreshet Yisrael is the spiritual heir of the first Conservative minyan in Jerusalem which included Dr. Judah Magnes, Chancellor of Hebrew University, and Henrietta Szold, founder of Hadassah.

Ben-Gurion University is the only Israeli university created by government mandate, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) was established in 1969 with a mission to be an engine for the development of Israel’s Negev region. BGU was inspired by the vision of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, who believed that the future of Israel lay in the Negev region, a desert area comprising more than 60 percent of the country. Today, BGU is a world-renowned institution of research and higher learning that has transcended the boundaries of academia to create a new model of education and research that impacts people’s lives in the Negev region, throughout Israel and around the world.

Beth El Synagogue is a warm, open and caring Conservative Jewish community in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. The synagogue reaches out to its 1,250 households, offering educational, spiritual and social opportunities that nourish the intellect, soul and body. In so doing, familial bonds have been formed between members that stretch “from generation to generation.” Beth El is a center of Jewish life that strives to respond to emerging needs while living out the eternal, sacred values of the Jewish people. Beth El is a dynamic spiritual community where young and old embrace Torah (Learning,) Avodah (Spirituality,) and Gemilat Hesed (Acts of Kindness.)

Beth El Synagogue (Durham, NC) is a pluralistic community and welcomes members who have diverse backgrounds, ideas, levels of knowledge, and observance. It is an egalitarian Conservative congregation and a member of the Southeast Seaboard District of the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism. Beth El offers an Orthodox Kehillah affiliated with the Orthodox Union for those who wish to worship in accordance with that tradition.

The history of the Beth-El Zedeck synagogue dates to over 2500 years ago. Following the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E., the synagogue emerged as the central institution in Jewish life. In the synagogue Jews come together to nurture their personal lives and to enrich the collective life of their community through Torah (sacred study), Avoda (worship) and G’milut Hasadim (good deeds). The terms for synagogue in Hebrew reflect its purposes: Beit Tefilah (House of Prayer); Beit Midrash (House of Study); and Beit Keneset (House of Fellowship). The rich history of our congregation began in 1915 when a small group of Indianapolis residents joined in High Holy Day services. This small group called itself Beth-El and eventually settled in a building at 34th and Ruckle Streets in 1926. In 1928, Beth-El was joined by Ohev Zedeck and Congregation Beth-El Zedeck was born. Beth-El Zedeck (The House of the God of Righteousness) has kept pace with the changes of modern Jewish thought and practice while embracing the warmth and richness of the religious civilization.

Beth Emet The Free Synagogue began on a cold night in January 1950 when the founding Rabbi, Rabbi David S. Polish, z"l, was told that he could not lead services at his Reform congregation. A fervent Zionist, Rabbi Polish's support of the State of Israel did not please some of his congregants. With a broken contract, Rabbi Polish, his wife, Aviva, and two children, joined with forty other families to establish the first Reform congregation in Evanston. The full name, Beth Emet The Free Synagogue, refers to freedom of speech from the pulpit, a right Rabbi Polish was denied by his former synagogue. On August 1, 1950, Beth Emet purchased an eleven room mansion on the corner of Dempster and Ridge. In keeping with the Congregation's commitment to freedom and liberty for all, several champions of progressive ideas have found a welcome dais for their programs on Beth Emet's bimah, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1958. Education was and is a primary focus at Beth Emet. Shortly after the first weeks, Hebrew classes were organized, and a nursery school and adult education program were established within the first year.

Beth Shalom Synagogue (Edmonton, AB) of 350 families is a diverse community in age, gender and occupation. It is united both in the commitment to Conservative Judaism, and to being an active, participatory and egalitarian congregation where members can and do make things happen. The synagogue is also a place in which anyone can come seeking answers. Always open to questions. It believes that the path to Jewish observance is through education, community, and tolerance, and they strive to provide all three. So, whether you are someone who is completely fluent in the rituals of Judaism, or someone who is a complete novice, or you are someone who is completely observant of Jewish laws and practices or someone who just needs a connection to your heritage, you will find a home at Beth Shalom.

Congregation Beth Tefillah is a welcoming, vibrant synagogue where you are sure to feel at home. The name is an expression of the primary objective: to serve as a “house of prayer” and a spiritual lighthouse to every Jewish man, woman, and child, regardless of background, affiliation or level of observance. The congregation is a place where people want to go – not have to go – and not looking forward to leaving. It is promises to serve as a locus for social, religious, educational, cultural and family events. A home away from home, a gathering place where unity is paramount.

Beth Tzedec Congregation, dedicated to being a “Community Destination for Jewish Living.” A rich, colourful history and warm embrace await you in the heart of the city of Toronto. From rented quarters on Richmond Street in 1883, to 20 years at the corner of University Avenue and Elm Street and 50 years on University south of Dundas Street, Goel Tzedec was a leading congregation in the city of Toronto. Founded as an Orthodox congregation on the principles and observances of traditional Judaism, in 1925 Goel Tzedec officially enrolled in the Conservative Synagogue movement. Entering the new age, the congregation introduced family pews, adopted a revised Siddur (prayer book), added English prayers to the service and invited girls coming of age to celebrate a Bat Mitzvah.

Big Tent Judaism (JOI) is an independent, national, trans-denominational organization reaching out to unaffiliated and intermarried families, and helping the organized Jewish community better welcome them in. Since 1987, JOI has created innovative programs, conducted groundbreaking research, and served as a national training institution for Jewish communal professionals and volunteer leaders.

Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim (BJBE) is the union of two congregations, B'nai Jehoshua and Beth Elohim. It was founded in 1893 by Bohemian and Czechoslovakian Jews. Although most temple members moved from the area in the 40's and 50's, they continued their membership, traveling long distances to attend services and religious school.

B'nai Jeshurun is a synagogue in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York City. It is a nonaffiliated Jewish synagogue community that strives to experience God’s presence by praying, studying, teaching, volunteering, celebrating, and caring for each other and our world. The services are joyful, musical, socially progressive, and accessible, weaving together tradition with contemporary life. It uses a traditional prayer book and welcome Jews from every stream of Judaism. While the synagogue respects each person’s struggle to find his and her own level of observance, it deeply committed to a core of halakhic behavior as the expression of its spiritual and moral values.

The Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel (BYFI) is a network of almost 1,000 diverse young Jews from North America and Israel who contribute their talents and vision to the Jewish community and the world at large. It offers an unparalleled leadership experience that educates and inspires exceptional young Jews from diverse backgrounds through an intensive Fellowship year and robust alumni community. Twenty-six (26) North American students entering their senior year of high school are selected each year for our prestigious Fellowship. The Fellowship begins with a 5-week, all-expenses-paid summer program in Israel where Fellows travel through Israel, explore their Jewish identity, and engage with thinkers, authors, artists, and educators in a transformative experience, while learning about themselves and each other. BYFI’s Israel Fellowship was launched in 1998, the Amitim program consists of a year-long series of educational seminars for a diverse group of 20 Israeli high school juniors, including an all-expense-paid trip to North America. The selected fellows, from varied religious, social, and ideological backgrounds, are brought together for eight seminars to interact and engage. Discussion topics range from identity and communal relationships with Judaism and Jewish culture, to social and secular relationships.

CLAL is founded in 1974, Clal-The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership is a leadership training institute, think tank and resource center. A leader in religious pluralism, Clal links Jewish wisdom with innovative scholarship to deepen civic and spiritual participation in American life. Clal’s interdisciplinary programs explore religious and national identity. The Clal faculty, with its reputation for excellence, represents rabbis and scholars from many streams and disciplines, and provides cutting-edge teaching, lectures, courses, seminars, and consulting across the country.

Congregation Beth Israel (CBI) is build upon the three core Jewish values of Torah (Learning), Avodah (Prayer) and Gemilut Chasadim (Acts of Kindness). CBI offers children a high-level Jewish education in an environment that helps foster a strong, positive Jewish identity. The teachers use an innovative Hebrew and Judaics curriculum designed to prepare students to be knowledgeable and engaged Jewish adults.

Congregation Beth Sholom was founded in 1904, and in 1921 the congregation purchased a Baptist church on Fourth Avenue to house its services. In 1935, Beth Sholom built its first synagogue at the corner of 14th Avenue and Clement Street and installed its first rabbi, Saul E. White, that same year. Under Rabbi White’s leadership, Beth Sholom prospered and became a leading voice in the Jewish community, firmly supportive of change involving women’s rights and social justice issues.

Congregation B’nai Israel was founded with the goals of maintaining the importance of Jewish values, as well as fostering participatory religious observance. We are an egalitarian synagogue with exemplary educational, religious, cultural, and social programs. Our Child Development Center, Religious School, Camp B’nai Ruach, B’nai Mitzvah Training, USY Youth Programs, Adult Education, Sisterhood, Men’s Club, and Havurah programs are outstanding.

Chevrei Tzedek is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue located in Baltimore, Maryland. It is intimate, informal, and participatory. Chevrei Tzedek is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

City Shul congregation stands on the three pillars of Jewish life: Torah, worship, and acts of lovingkindness. It is a shul where tradition meets modernity in a happy co-existence. Affiliated with the Reform movement, it is able to draw from its vast array of resources and dedication to inclusion while forging our own unique downtown Toronto identity.

Colgate University is a private liberal arts college in Hamilton, New York, USA. The student body comes from 47 states and 42 countries. In its 2013 edition, U.S. News and World Report ranked Colgate as the 18th best liberal arts college in the country. Colgate ranked 13th on the Forbes' top liberal arts colleges list in 2013, and 36th overall in the 2013 edition of "America's Top Colleges" from It is also listed as one of thirty Hidden Ivies and as one of Newsweek's "New Ivies." In 1817, the Baptist Education Society of the State of New York was founded by thirteen men (six clergymen and seven laymen). Two years later, in 1819, the state granted the school's charter, and the school opened a year later, in 1820. The first classes were held in a building in the town of Hamilton. Three years later, in 1823, the Baptist Theological Seminary at New York City incorporated with the Baptist Education Society and subsequently changed its name to the Hamilton Literary & Theological Institution. Among the trustees was William Colgate, founder of a soap company.

The Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons has a new home — the Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse at 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike. The synagogue had been housed at the Old Whaler’s Church in Sag Harbor for the past 15 years. Kabbalat Shabbat services will continue to take place Friday nights at 6:30 p.m., and Shabbat morning services will take place Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. Upcoming special events include a poetry reading and afternoon tea and a Shabbaton in July.

The Conservative Yeshiva offers Jews of all backgrounds the skills for studying Jewish texts in a supportive Jewish community. The Conservative Yeshiva offers a synthesis of traditional and critical methods, allowing Jewish texts and tradition to encounter social change and modern scholarship. The curriculum focuses on classical Jewish subjects, including Talmud, Tanach (Bible), Halacha (Jewish Law), and Philosophy. Since its founding in 1995 to meet the need for serious learning in an co-educational and open-minded environment, the Conservative Yeshiva has grown ten-fold, moved into a new Beit Midrash, and established a reputation for a learned and supportive faculty, highly motivated students, in-depth learning, and a welcoming community.

DePaul University Center for Jewish Law & Judaic Studies is dedicated to promoting multi-disciplinary education in Jewish law, philosophy, theology, history, and culture among members of the bar, the academy, the greater Chicago land Jewish community, and all others who are sincerely interested in what Judaism has to say about issues of critical contemporary significance.

Dor Vador is a small traditional Jewish community, bold and original. The ritual is classic Hebrew, kashrut, Shabbat and holidays are observed according to tradition. It proposes a study of Judaism classic texts of Judaism, Torah, Talmud, Halacha, Zohar, Hasidism. This is the second largest Jewish community in Paris with current Masorti Adath Shalom in the 15th. The Masorti current offers traditional Judaism (respect Halacha in the opening study of sources and ritual strictly in Hebrew) with a total spirit of modernity (openness, critical intellectualism, respect for all, feminism). The study is open to modern knowledge and science, and it invites a critical look at the tradition when it is justified. Bold entrepreneurship and madness to create and innovate.

Elon University is a private liberal arts university in Elon, North Carolina, United States. Formerly known as Elon College when founded in 1889, it became Elon University on June 1, 2001. Its core values have remained constant throughout history: close relationships between faculty and students, a culture that supports constant innovation, and a strong sense of community. Daily events, social gatherings and sidewalk conversations are the hallmarks of this friendly and welcoming academic community.

Emory University is a private research university in metropolitan Atlanta, located in the Druid Hills section of unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States. The university was founded as Emory College in 1836 in Oxford, Georgia by a small group of Methodists and was named in honor of Methodist bishop John Emory. A land-grant by Asa Candler in 1915, then president of The Coca-Cola Company, allowed the small college to move to metropolitan Atlanta and become rechartered as Emory University. The university's mission statement is "to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity."

Eshel Avraham is the only Masorti (Conservative) Congregation in Be'er-Sheva, the fourth largest city in Israel. It was founded in September 1976. The Community has a Synagogue and a Community Educational Center. At present more than 200 families belong to the Congregation. Another 200 families (parents of children who attend our Pre-school Day-care center) are connected with the Educational Center. It should be noted that there is no community center (MaTNaS) in the vicinity of Eshel Avraham.

GreenFaith was founded in 1992 under the name Partners for Environmental Quality by Jewish and Christian leaders who believed that New Jersey ’s religious community needed an organization to connect diverse religious traditions with the environment. One of the earliest accomplishments was to convene a conference at Drew University, which brought together stakeholders from the religious, academic, governmental and business sectors to explore common interests in relation to environmental protection.

Hannaton Mechina is a post-high school program dedicated to a year of study, educational work, and community service before beginning compulsory military service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Launched in September 2012, the Hannaton Mechina will be the only one in Israel affiliated with the Masorti Movement and is authorized by Israel’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of Defense.

Har Zion Temple is a sacred congregation, proud of our honorable legacy and our ongoing growth as part of modern day, egalitarian Conservative Judaism. From suburban Main Line Philadelphia location, it offers the entire Jewish community, which includes individuals of all commitment levels, a sanctuary for prayer and study. Dedicated clergy, staff and volunteers work together to make Har Zion a place to celebrate in moments of triumph, to find comfort in times of hardship, and to gain insight in the search for meaning.

Hebrew College is an accredited college of Jewish studies in Newton Centre, near Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1921, Hebrew College is committed to Jewish scholarship in a pluralistic academic environment. The president of the college is Rabbi Daniel Lehmann. Hebrew College offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, Hebrew-language training, summer institutes, a rabbinical school, a cantorial school and continuing-education programs. Internationally renowned architect, Moshe Safdie, designed and built the institution's facilities located in Newton, Massachusetts. Hebrew College successfully refinanced its real estate debt in 2012, reducing its original bond obligation by 75% and securing its ownership of the campus. The college was founded in November 1921.

The Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (also known as HUC, HUC-JIR, and The College-Institute) is the oldest extant Jewish seminary in the Americas and the main seminary for training rabbis, cantors, educators and communal workers in Reform Judaism. HUC-JIR has campuses in Cincinnati, New York, Los Angeles and Jerusalem. The Jerusalem campus is the only seminary in Israel for training Reform Jewish clergy. HUC was founded in 1875 under the leadership of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1950, a second HUC campus was created in New York City through a merger with the rival Reform Jewish Institute of Religion.

Herzog College (Mikhlelet Herzog) is a teacher's college located in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion, in the West Bank. It is named for the diplomat Yaakov Herzog. It is located adjacent to, and associated with Yeshivat Har Etzion. The college is approved by the Council for Higher Education in Israel and offers fully accredited Bachelor of Education and Master of Educationdegrees, each with specialized tracks. The college runs separate men's and women's programs. The women's programs are based in the Migdal Oz Midrasha.

Heska Amuna Synagogue has served the Jewish community of Knoxville, Tennessee for over 100 years. It embraces the balance respect for tradition with openness to new ideas and practices. The congregation comes together as a family in the warmth of Shabbat, the spirituality of Jewish holy days, and the sharing of life’s important passages.

Through the practice of Jewish Values Engagement, Hillel at UCLA inspires the students whom they touch to embrace a passion for Judaism. Their pluralistic approach weaves these six main tenets - Leadership, Social Action, Jewish Learning, Israel, Shabbat & Holidays, Culture & The Arts – into the fiber of a community which is anchored by Jewish values. Hillel at UCLA is at the center of Jewish life on campus, and a focal point for Jewish activity in Los Angeles. Each year, hundreds of students, faculty, alumni, scholars, artists, and community members step into our building to share in a collective Jewish experience.

The Institute for Jewish Spirituality was founded in 1999 in response to a challenge by then President of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Charles Halpern, to help liberal Jews find greater access to the deep wisdom of the Jewish spiritual inheritance and to help them build lives of vital and engaged practice. The Institute also developed two training programs to raise up a new generation of teachers to more widely bring the Institute’s mindful, devotional, embodied perspective to the Jewish community.

The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals offers a vision of Orthodox Judaism that is intellectually sound, spiritually compelling, and emotionally satisfying. Based on an unwavering commitment to the Torah tradition and to the Jewish people, it fosters an appreciation of legitimate diversity within Orthodoxy. It encourages responsible discussion of issues in Jewish law, philosophy, religious worldview, and communal policy. It sees Judaism as a world religion with a profound message for Jews, and for non-Jews as well. It seeks to apply the ancient wisdom of Judaism to the challenges of contemporary society. The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals was founded in October 2007 by Rabbi Dr. Marc D. Angel.

The Intermountain Jewish News (IJN) is a weekly newspaper serving the Denver-Boulder communities and the greater Rocky Mountain Jewish community (Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, and Montana). The newspaper was founded in 1913 and had a series of editors before being taken over by Robert Gamzey and Max Goldberg in 1943. Since then the newspaper has been owned and operated by the Goldberg family.

IYYUN Center for Jewish Spirituality, an organization dedicated to the study and experience of Jewish spirituality, explores the three dimensions of human reality: The Mind, The Heart and The Body. IYYUN creates opportunities for people of all backgrounds to deeply examine and understand the intellectual, emotional and physical within themselves in the light of Jewish spiritual teachings and the wisdom of the Torah. The IYYUN Center is a space for personal growth and transformation through the rich teachings of Torah and the experiences of Jewish life. The center provides a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere for people of all backgrounds to experience the deeply intellectual and emotional experiences of Judaism brought to life in a vibrant and joyous setting.

The Jewish Community Center of Harrison was built in 1959 and renovated in 2000. It strives to provide its congregation with the best in spiritual and professional leadership, and sponsors numerous educational programs for all ages, including a lecture series for adults, a pre-school, and a basketball program. The congregation is led by Rabbi Aubrey L. Glazer, and the Executive Director is Susan Needleman.

The Jewish Federation is a confederation of various Jewish social agencies, volunteer programs, educational bodies, and related organizations, found within most cities in North America that host a viable Jewish community. Their broad purpose is to provide “human services,” generally, but not exclusively, to the local Jewish community. The Jewish Federations of North America represents 157 Jewish Federations and over 300 Network communities, which raise and distribute more than $3 billion annually.

The Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS or JTSA) is located in New York. It is one of the academic and spiritual centers of Conservative Judaism, and a major center for academic scholarship in Jewish studies. JTS operates five schools: Albert A. List College of Jewish Studies (which is affiliated with Columbia University and offers joint/double bachelors degree programs with both Columbia and Barnard College); The Graduate School; the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education; the H. L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music; and The Rabbinical School. It also operates a number of research and training institutes. The first Jewish federation was founded in Boston in 1895. Federations were soon formed in Cincinnati, then in many other cities.

The John Jay College of Criminal Justice is a senior college of the City University of New York in Midtown Manhattan, New York City and is the only liberal arts college with a criminal justice and forensic focus in the United States. The college is known for its programs in criminal justice studies, forensic science, and forensic psychology programs.

Kesher Israel (also known as The Georgetown Synagogue) is an Orthodox synagogue located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Today, Kesher Israel’s membership includes multiple current and previous elected officials, a significant number of Ambassadors, both to and from the United States, current and former Cabinet members, and several distinguished authors. Herman Wouk, Leon Wieseltier, Senator Lieberman, and many others have walked through the doors and made Kesher Israel their home. Kesher Israel enjoys visitors daily from all over the world, including government ministers, Knesset Members and Supreme Court jurists from Israel.

Kol HaNeshamah was founded in 2008. It is the Center for Jewish Life and Enrichment, is an institute dedicated to reenergizing the spiritual life of both affiliated and unaffiliated Jews. The center sponsors free High Holiday services as part of its mission to help all Jews, regardless of their educational or religious backgrounds, to experience Judaism in a spirited and meaningful way. In addition to these services, Kol HaNeshamah (which means the Voice of the Soul) sponsors Friday night services, adult classes, one-on-one learning, Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes and assistance with lifecycle events.

Congregation Kol Tikvah is a reform Temple located in Parkland, Florida, tailored to meet the needs of family, children and seniors. The membership cap of 400 family units sets apart from other congregations. It works together with the common goal of building a strong, lasting home in which the beautiful traditions of Reform Judaism can flourish and inspire future generations. Kol Tikvah has a broad base of dedicated clergy, board members, committee chairs and volunteers to serve our members’ needs. It is a member of the URJ, Union for Reform Judaism.

The Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School is a private Jewish day school for girls in grades nine through twelve, located in Teaneck, New Jersey, United States. Ma'ayanot was founded to meet the need of the Orthodox communities of Bergen County and neighboring areas for a conveniently located and academically excellent high school for girls. The school has been accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Secondary Schools since 2002.

Congregation Machzikei Hadas is a synagogue with a proud history. The congregation first began services in a Murray Street apartment in 1907. In 1923 it moved to the corner of Murray and King Edward Avenue, and in 1973, relocated to Virginia Drive in the Alta Vista area of Ottawa. Machzikei Hadas has provided for the community in so many ways. In its new location, it extends services to 500 families. These include a host of youth, seniors, educational, and public awareness programs. The synagogue has hosted or co-hosted some noteworthy events, including human rights day gatherings, an information evening for potential bone marrow transplant donors, and All-Candidates meetings. The synagogue supplied the resources to launch the community Eruv, and continues to maintain it. In the period leading up to the referendum, Congregation Machzikei Hadas served as the base for Clergy for a United Canada, which amassed 6,000 signatures from clergy across Canada calling on our great country to remain together. The great achievements of this Congregation have been made possible by the selfless dedication of so many men and women who have worked, on behalf of the synagogue, to enhance the community. Congregation Machzikei Hadas is the first synagogue in the history of the Commonwealth to be granted a Coat of Arms.

The Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy, also known as Yeshiva University High School for Boys (YUHSB), MTA (Manhattan Talmudical Academy) or TMSTA, is an Orthodox Jewish day school (or yeshiva), the boys' prep school of Yeshiva University (YU) in the Washington Heights neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan.

Mechon Hadar is an educational institution that seeks to empower a generation of Jews to create and sustain vibrant, practicing, egalitarian communities of Torah learning, prayer, and service. Mechon Hadar has two major initiatives: Yeshivat Hadar and the Minyan Project. In June 2006, Rabbi Shai Held, Rabbi Elie Kaunfer and Rabbi Ethan Tucker, launched Mechon Hadar: An Institute for Prayer, Personal Growth and Jewish Study. The founders of Mechon Hadar have spent years teaching and building Jewish community, and have served as founders and leaders of Kehilat Hadar, an independent, egalitarian community committed to spirited traditional prayer, study and social action.

The MOFET Institute is a consortium of Israeli colleges of education which specializes in "research, curriculum and program development for teacher educators." It was founded by the Israel Ministry of Education in 1983, as the Institute for Curriculum Planning and Teacher Training, and took its present name in 1988. Located inside the Levinsky College of Education campus in Tel Aviv.

Monash University (also known simply as Monash) is a public university based in Melbourne, Australia. It was founded in 1958 and is the second oldest university in the State of Victoria. Monash is a member of Australia's Group of Eight and the ASAIHL, and is the only Australian member of the influential M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies. The Australian Centre for Jewish Civilization is an interdisciplinary centre that sits within the School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies (SOPHIS) in the Faculty of Arts. Our researchers are immersed in the academic study of the cultures, literatures, politics and histories of Jewish civilization. Each year, hundreds of students study with us on issues that impact on world history. We are known for our international focus that enlivens the student experience through overseas study in Europe, Israel and Rwanda.

Moriah (Mo ree yah') was named after Mount Moriah where Abraham sacrificed Isaac. It (the mountain and our congregation) is a place of rebirth and rededication. Rabbi Samuel Dresnerz''l, the founding Rabbi, saw Moriah as an experiment. It was to be a model congregation formed in an apparent response, to what research has later shown to be the need members seek to fulfill when they join a congregation - a sense of belonging. It was to function as an extended family. There was (and is) no sisterhood or men's club. It was and is a place to be Jewish among friends, without pretense. The mission of Moriah Congregation is to further a return to the synagogue as the heart of the Jewish community, where members of all ages develop an extended family built upon shared values, Conservative Jewish observance, a love of Israel, and a commitment to the perpetuation of the Jewish people. Moriah is a traditional Conservative Congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of America and its Chicago regional branch. It is a place to study, to pray, and to make friends. Those Jews who wish to grow “Jewishly” will find that in Moriah they have a home.

The New Shul in Scottsdale Arizona is home to a community of Jews who are growing in their religious lives through learning, prayer, and service to others. We welcome everyone, wherever on their Jewish path they may be. We believe that tradition and community are the soil in which the individual can grow and flourish. The New Shul is an independent synagogue, not affiliated with any organized movement.

New North London Synagogue is a Masorti community based in North West London, with a membership of 2,800 including more than 1,000 children and young people. In addition to Shabbat and festival services, the synagogue engages in a wide range of educational, social, cultural and social action activities.

North Suburban Synagogue Beth El (Highland Park, IL) founded in 1948, is a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Located next to Lake Michigan, in the “North Shore” area of greater Chicago, it is the spiritual home to 1100 families.

Oceanside Jewish Center / Beth Shalom is a hub of Jewish activity in Oceanside (Nassau County), New York. Members come to worship, to sing, to learn, and to celebrate, all in a warm, caring environment with a family touch. The center is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, is an egalitarian congregation and a nurturing community which provides opportunities for Jews of all ages and backgrounds to live in the presence of G-d through religious observance, Jewish learning (read about our new Beit Midrash) and acts of social responsibility.

Congregation Ohav Shalom is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism. The name “Ohav Shalom” means “Lover of Peace.” We are known for being a warm, embracing, and friendly synagogue family. Major renovation of temple completed. Ohav Shalom is a traditional synagogue, deeply rooted in the laws and practices of the past, while not afraid to see change as an authentic part of our tradition. They have chosen to preserve the full traditional liturgy in their sanctuary service, rather than truncate it or incorporate a great deal of English. The primary prayer books are Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary and Siddur Sim Shalom.

Ohr Torah Stone: The words “Ohr Torah” literally mean “the Torah is light,” and refer to the enlightening beacon which radiates from a true combination of Torah values, Zionist ideals, and a dedication to tikkun olam. Indeed, since its founding, OTS has emerged as this guiding light, charting new educational, legal and social paths to groundbreaking change in the realms of women’s rights within Judaism, relations between observant and secular Jews, and the role of the worldwide community educator and spiritual leader. OTS has now grown into an all-encompassing network, enlightening and motivating nearly 3,000 men and women from junior high to graduate school, from all religious backgrounds, hailing from every country. Hundreds of OTS graduates are serving as dynamic, compassionate and engaging educators, spiritual guides and lay leaders in Israel and in countries across the globe. Wherever they go, they bring with them the message of an accessible and relevant Judaism based upon the understanding and acceptance of the unaffiliated or disenfranchised; the bridging of gaps; the pursuit of social justice; the quest for unity and the concern for every human being.

Pardes is an institute of Jewish learning, focused on primary sources, that is open to post-college men and women. It was founded in 1972 and is located in the neighborhood of Talpiot, Jerusalem. Pardes offers various programs, including an MA track (partnered with Hebrew College) for Jewish Education. The dominant programs though do not offer a degree, but are Torah lishma (learning for the sake of learning). The background level in the Pardes Beth midrash ranges from elementary Hebrew to semicha (rabbinic ordination). The style of learning is a mix of chevruta (pair) studying and classroom learning. The fundamental principle upon which Pardes operates is the belief that Torah is the inheritance of every Jew, regardless of where s/he falls on the belief or observance spectrum. Pardes, as an institution, posits that all Jews have a right to gain access to that inheritance, without restriction as to the circumstances under which this may be done. It is on this fundamental point that Pardes diverges from many other halachic (Jewish law-abiding) learning institutions for whom access to the texts hinges on a certain standard of religious behavior. This ideological position on the part of Pardes is not to be mistaken for pluralism. The institution itself (along with the majority of the faculty) is fully committed to Halakha (Jewish law). Pardes is a non-affiliated, one-of-a-kind institution, whose main objective is increased Jewish literacy through textual and experiential education.

Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) formerly called "Paris X Nanterre" is a French university in the Academy of Versailles. It is one of the 13 successor universities of the University of Paris. It is located in the western suburb of Nanterre, in the La Défense area, the business district of Paris. The university is commonly referred to as Nanterre.

The Park Avenue Synagogue – Agudat Yesharim (The Association of the Righteous) – is a Conservative Jewish congregation located at 50 East 87th Street on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City. Founded in 1882, the congregation is one of the largest and most influential synagogues in the United States. The congregation was originally founded in 1882 as the Reform congregation, "Temple Gates of Hope", by a group of German Jews. After several mergers, the congregation took the Hebrew name "Agudat Yesharim", and later petitioned the state of New York to change the official name of the congregation to "Park Avenue Synagogue" in 1923. In 1927, the present Moorish-style building on East 87th Street was constructed. By the 1930s, the congregation changed its affiliation from Reform Judaism to Conservative in order to accommodate the merger of the congregation with several other congregations containing large numbers of Eastern European Jews.

Of all the Jewish communities in New York, the Persian Jewish Center is one of the most recent. The first Persian Jews who came to Manhattan during the 1960’s started to pray in the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. After the fall of the Shah in 1979 a wave of immigration from Persia changed the face of the Persian Jewish community in the USA. Most Persian Jews settled in California. But there was also a big Persian community on the East Coast in Brooklyn and Queens. Then as their fortunes improved many moved out to Great Neck. The Syrian and Moroccan communities established themselves. Within the Persian community there were differences of opinion between the traditionalists and the progressives and as the children of the community grew and went their own ways the original pioneering atmosphere began to falter.

Penn State University, The Dickinson School of Law (also known as Penn State Law) is the law school of Pennsylvania State University. Penn State Law, one of the professional graduate schools of Penn State, offers J.D., LL.M., S.J.D. degrees in law and hosts visiting scholars. The school offers a joint MBA/J.D. with the Smeal School of Business, as well as joint degrees with dozens of other Penn State University programs including the School of International Affairs. The law school operates as a unified two-location operation with facilities in both University Park, Pennsylvania and Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The two campuses operate meaningfully as a single enterprise, with a single identity, single reputation and single stature. The University Park Campus is Penn State's main campus, and it maintains over 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Carlisle, approximately 80 miles (130 km) southeast of University Park, is the original home of the law school. The law school was opened by Judge John Reed in 1834, making it the seventh oldest law school in the United States and the oldest law school in Pennsylvania. Having merged with Penn State in 2000, it is home to over 600 law students, most of whom are earning the degrees of Juris Doctor (J.D.) or Master of Laws (LLM). Penn State Dickinson has a faculty and staff of over 100. U.S. News and World Report, in its 2013 edition of America's Best Graduate Schools, ranked Penn State Dickinson 64th among the nation's top 218 law schools.

Pleasantville Community Synagogue was founded in the winter of 1997, Westchester, New York's first “trans-denominational” synagogue, dedicated to building an inclusive home in Northern Westchester for all those seeking a progressive, spiritually-based Judaism. Members travel from as far away as Yonkers, Yorktown, and Stamford (CT), and their backgrounds range from across the full spectrum of liberal Judaism: Conservative, Reconstructionist, Reform, and Renewal. The synagogue emphasizes on what they call “Joyful Judaism” was profiled in “Jewish Week” (see Curing The God Talk Allergy). The New York Times hailed the “lusty singing and dancing” of Rabbi Mark Sameth’s joyous musical services, reminiscent of his years at New York City’s acclaimed Congregation B’nai Jeshurun. Rabbi Mark is featured in Sid Schwarz’s landmark book Finding a Spiritual Home: How a New Generation of Jews Can Transform the American Synagogue.

The University of Potsdam is a German public university in the Berlin Brandenburg region of Germany. It is situated across four campuses in Potsdam, Brandenburg, including the New Palace of Sanssouci and Babelsberg Park. The University of Potsdam is Brandenburg's largest university and with its numerous extramural institutes, the Potsdam and Berlin area is known as one of the most densely settled research landscapes in Germany. As for the University of Potsdam, more than 8,000 people are working in scholarship and science. As a winner in the competition "Excellence in Teaching" of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (the business community's innovation agency for the German science system) and the standing conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz), the University of Potsdam is rigorously implementing its plan to further improve teaching.

The Rabbinical Assembly (RA) is the international association of Conservative rabbis. The RA was founded in 1901 to shape the ideology, programs, and practices of the Conservative movement. It publishes prayer books and books of Jewish interest, and oversees the work of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards for the Conservative movement. It organizes conferences and coordinates the Joint Placement Commission of the Conservative movement. Members of the RA serve as rabbis, educators, community workers and military and hospital chaplains around the world.

The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) is one of the world's largest organizations of Orthodox rabbis; it is affiliated with The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, more commonly known as the Orthodox Union, or OU. Most rabbis of the RCA belong to Centrist Modern Orthodox Judaism.

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), or Yeshivat Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, is the rabbinical seminary of Yeshiva University, located in Washington Heights, New York. It is named after Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, who died the year it was founded, 1896. The acting dean since July 1, 2013 is Rabbi Menachem Penner.

The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC), is located in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, about 10 miles (16 km) north of central Philadelphia. RRC is the only seminary affiliated with Reconstructionist Judaism. It is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. RRC has an enrollment of approximately 80 students in rabbinic and other graduate programs. As of June 3, 2012 the Reconstructionist movement was restructured. RRC is now the primary organization of the movement, headed by Rabbi Dan Ehrenkrantz, a 1989 graduate of the College.

Romemu (roh·meh·moo) is attempting to transform the way Judaism is practiced and experienced by infusing aspects of Eastern spiritual practices with traditional Orthodox influences, so theta’am or “taste” is unmistakably Jewish. Committed to powerful prayer and transformative spiritual practices, Romemu attempts to engage the heart, mind and body in everything we do, helping us to foster greater levels of compassion.

Rosh yeshiva is the title given to the dean of a Talmudical academy (yeshiva). It is made up of the Hebrew words rosh — meaning head, and yeshiva — a school of religious Jewish education. The rosh yeshiva is required to have a vast and penetrating knowledge of the Talmud and the ability to achieve a level of mastery of his material and an ability to analyze and present new perspectives, called chidushim, (novellae) verbally and often in print.

The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Machon Schechter), established in 1989, today conducts the largest M.A. program in Jewish Studies in Israel. The Schechter Institute campus is home to four educational enterprises. More than 600 Israeli Jewish educators from all religious backgrounds specialize in 14 Jewish-studies tracks that combine art, women's studies, family and community studies, teaching, informal education, and classical Jewish disciplines such as Bible, Talmud, Midrash, and Jewish Thought. Most recently, three new MA programs in Contemporary Jewry, Sephardic Jewry and Jews of Islamic Countries and Hebrew and Jewish Literature have been established.

Seton Hall University is a private Roman Catholic university in South Orange, New Jersey, United States. Founded in 1856 by Archbishop James Roosevelt Bayley, Seton Hall is the oldest diocesan university in the United States. Seton Hall is also the oldest and largest Catholic university in New Jersey. The university is known for its programs in business, law, education, nursing, and diplomacy. Seton Hall is made up of eight different schools and colleges with an undergraduate enrollment of about 5,200 students and a graduate enrollment of about 4,400. Its School of Law, which is ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top 100 law schools in the nation (64th), has an enrollment of about 1,200 students. Seton Hall's Stillman School of Business has also been continually ranked as one of the top 100 undergraduate business schools (88th) in the nation according to Bloomberg Businessweek. The Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry was the first school of medicine in New Jersey. The school was acquired by the state in 1965, and is now the New Jersey Medical School, part of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

Shaar Hamayim promotes Jewish learning as one path of integrating the breadth and depth of Jewish wisdom into own journeys of walking humbly with, and within, the LORD. Shaar Hamayim will offer a Talmud Torah program for 7th-9th and 10th-12th graders which will both expose students to the foundational texts of Jewish culture and promote a Yiddishe kop by engaging in the critical thinking exercises of our ancestors but from a modern perspective.

Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Ideas creates a “conversation” in print, digital, and online forms that bring to¬gether an array of voices around a single theme. These voices cross the spectrum of Judaism — secular and religious, communal and non-partisan, engaged and striving — and expose readers to challenging, sometimes conflicting ideas. Sh’ma hosts intelligent and cre¬ative conversations that reside outside of any particular institution. At the intersec¬tion of tradition and change, Sh’ma helps read¬ers confront modernity with a deep respect for Jewish values and accumulated wisdom, bring¬ing to bear the richness of Jewish sources, texts, philosophy, and experience.

Shalom Hartman Institute (SHI) is a Jewish research and education institute based in Jerusalem, Israel, that offers pluralistic Jewish thought and education to scholars, rabbis, educators, and Jewish community leaders in Israel and North America. It is the center of transformative thinking and teaching that addresses the major challenges facing the Jewish people and elevates the quality of Jewish life in Israel and around the world. A leader in sophisticated, ideas-based Jewish education for community leaders and change agents, SHI is committed to the significance of Jewish ideas, the power of applied scholarship, and the conviction that great teaching contributes to the growth and continual revitalization of the Jewish people. The Institute's goal is to develop new and diverse voices within the Jewish tradition.

Shelter Rock Jewish Center is located in Roslyn, New York. The center offers a full range of religious services, including daily minyan morning and evening every day of the year, a vibrant, engaging Religious School, a very successful Nursery School (including a pre-nursery program for two-year olds), an elaborate, interesting program of Adult Education, a very hospitable Sisterhood and a thriving Men’s Club. Shelter Rock Jewish Center is a wonderful, warm, welcoming community that enjoys singing and one that understands that music is one of the great gateways to spiritual growth and development. It has its own prayer book, Siddur Tzur Yisrael.

Congregation Shearith Israel, often called The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, is the oldest Jewish congregation in the United States. It was established in 1654. The Orthodox synagogue is located on Central Park West at 70th Street on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The congregation's current neoclassical building was occupied in 1897.

Shomer Shalom is an organization of Jews who follow a path of nonviolence based on Jewish principles of religious engagement. Some of us repeat a daily intention of Jewish nonviolence. Shomer is a Hebrew word meaning stewardship. Traditionally, the word shomer is used in several key expressions: Shomer Shabbat: keeping the Sabbath, Shomer Kashrut: keeping kosher, Shomer lashon, guarding our tongue from hurtful speech and more recently Shomer Adamah: keeper of the environment. Shomer Shalom entails a daily choice not to cause intentional harm and committing oneself to active non-violence, a transformative pathway of social and spiritual action. Individually, members of Shomer Shalom are committed to living a nonviolent Jewish life and are encouraged to participate in nonviolence organizations as Jews and to participate in Jewish organizations as practitioners of nonviolence. Collectively, Shomer Shalom offers retreats and programs dedicated to nurturing the nonviolent faith of its members. It produces and distributes educational and liturgical materials rooted in Jewish nonviolent traditions. Shomer Shalom is committed to cultivating an intergenerational, multi-cultural and interfaith global community of peace, justice, loving kindness, and solidarity.

Congregation Shomrei Emunah is a Jewish Orthodox synagogue with a membership of over 500 families. The synagogue was established in 1971 in the Greenspring neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. Rabbi Binyamin Marwick, formerly its interim rabbi, was installed as its rabbi in June 2010. The synagogue's youth director is Josh Zaslow. The synagogue was founded by the Lithuanian-born Rabbi Benjamin Bak, who led the congregation from 1972 until 1989. His successor, Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, was the rabbi for 13 years and then became head of the Orthodox Union in 2002. The shul has a wide variety of shiurim and adult education opportunities, including guest lecturers, regular shiurim in Daf Yomi, Amud Yomi, Chumash, Navi, and Halacha. The youth program is led by Josh Zaslow, covering all ages from 2 to post high school. The shul has weekly Shabbos youth groups and a very popular youth minyan with a weekly kiddush. In 2007, the shul established a "Women of the Round Table" organization (aka "sisterhood") which sponsors Rosh Chodesh shiurim and regular events during the year. The shul recently completed a building campaign, expanding its physical structure to meet the demand for activities, classes, and community needs.

The Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Emanu-El links people to Jewish Study that is relevant and meaningful. For many, Jewish study is the primary way of expressing their Jewishness. Skirball is creating a Jewish home for adults of all ages and backgrounds who share in Judaism's passion and enthusiasm for learning. Skirball links people to Jewish study that is relevant, meaningful, and exciting. Skirball offers semester-long courses, one-day lectures, and special events. The mission is to provide a progressive, exciting, and intellectually stimulating Jewish learning environment for people from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership is a leading educational center in Chicago, Illinois. Not affiliated with any single branch of Judaism, Spertus offers learning opportunities that are rooted in Jewish wisdom and culture and open to all. Graduate programs and workshops train leaders and engage individuals in exploration of Jewish life. Well-known presenters have included Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, author Jonathan Safran Foer, architect Moshe Safdie, hip-hop artist Y-Love, pianist/actor/playwright Hershey Felder, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, and statistician Nate Silver. Honorary degree recipients from 1949 to 2011 have included Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Abba Eban, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, author and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel, author and Nobel Literature Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer, feminist author Betty Friedan, actor Leonard Nimoy, and Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi.

Stern College for Women (SCW) is the undergraduate women's college of arts and sciences at Yeshiva University. It is located at Yeshiva University's Israel Henry Beren Campus in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan. Stern College for Women provides a rich array of programs in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and Jewish studies. It grants the bachelor of arts degree. It also awards the Associate of Arts degree in Hebrew language, literature, and culture. SCW's dual undergraduate curriculum includes The Basic Jewish Studies Program, a one- to two-year introduction to Bible, Jewish law, and Hebrew that allows students without traditional yeshiva or day school backgrounds to be integrated into SCW's regular Jewish studies courses. The Rebecca Ivry Department of Jewish Studies offers courses ranging from elementary to advanced levels in Bible, Hebrew, Jewish history, Jewish philosophy, and Jewish laws and customs. The S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program stresses writing, critical analysis, cultural enrichment, individual mentoring, and the development of leadership skills.

Talmud Torah of St. Paul (TTSP) is a Jewish comprehensive educational center. It has a long, rich history of teaching Jewish children and helping them to grow academically, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Its reputation of excellence stems from decades of graduates who have grown into local, national, and world-wide leaders. They are a Jewish educational community where students take joy in their education, delight in their peers, and feel comfortable with their identity as modern American Jews. TTSP is a community school with no affiliation to any one Jewish movement or congregation. The students reflect the diversity of our community. Families come from city and suburb and represent various socio-economic groups, family structures, countries of origin and approaches to Jewish practice.

Tel Aviv University (TAU) is a public university located in Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel. With nearly 30,000 students, TAU is Israel's largest university. The university came into being through the dedicated efforts of visionaries who foresaw the need for an additional university in Israel’s rapidly growing central region. In the 1930s, the idea was promoted by then mayor of Tel Aviv, Meir Dizengoff with whose encouragement two post-secondary education facilities were opened during the British Mandate period. The Biological-Pedagogical Institute and the School of Law and Economics.

Affectionately known as “Your Shul by the Sea,” Temple Beth-El is an all-inclusive, welcoming congregation that has served Jews of all ages and their families for 80 years. It is known for its joyful and haimish (warm) atmosphere, music and openly spiritual approach to Jewish life. Temple Beth-El does not affiliate with any of the denominations, but honors the diversity of Jewish belief and practice. Women and men participate equally — as do couples, singles, and families.

The New London Synagogue offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity. It is a special blend that we think is contemporary Judaism at its best. The Synagogue in St. John's Wood close to the centre of London, was opened in 1881 and is one of the most beautiful in London and a joy to pray in. It is affiliated to Masorti Judaism and the World Council of Conservative Judaism.

The Tikvah Center for Law & Jewish Civilization was founded through a generous donation from The Tikvah Fund, New York University School of Law. The foundational premise of the Center is 1) that the study of Jewish law can profit immensely from insights gained from general jurisprudence; and 2) that Jewish law and Jewish civilization can provide illuminating perspective both on the general study of law as a per se academic discipline, and on the reflection of law as a central social institution refracting the most important issues in our society. The Center furthers its mission by offering programs advancing Scholarship, Legal Education, and Policy and Programmatic Studies as well as a broad outreach program to undergraduates.

Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought is a quarterly Orthodox Jewish academic journal published by the Rabbinical Council of America in association with Yeshiva University in New York City. It contains essays about the history, philosophy, and practice of Orthodox Judaism.

T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights is an organization of rabbis from all streams of Judaism that acts on the Jewish imperative to respect and protect the human rights of all people. Grounded in Torah and our Jewish historical experience and guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we advocate for human rights in Israel and North America. T’ruah continues the historic work of Rabbis for Human Rights-North America, which was founded in 2002 and renamed T’ruah in January 2013.

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (UOJCA), more popularly known as the Orthodox Union (OU), is one of the oldest Orthodox Jewish organizations in the United States. It is best known for its kosher food preparation supervision service. Its circled-U symbol, Ⓤ, a hechsher, is found on the labels of many commercial and consumer food products. The OU supports a network of synagogues, youth programs, Jewish and Religious Zionist advocacy, programs for the disabled, localized religious study programs, and some international units with locations in Israel and formerly in Ukraine. It is one of the largest Orthodox Jewish organizations in the United States. Its synagogues and their rabbis typically identify themselves with Modern Orthodox Judaism.

The Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue (RCUS) is the professional association of the United Synagogue Rabbinate. Its key objective is to support and promote the well being and success of Rabbis and their families within their local Communities and across the US as a whole. As well as representing the interests of Rabbis in conversations with the US Trustees and leading Head Office professional staff, they have also sought to support the personal and professional development of Rabbis and their families through a range of activities. These include high quality professional in-service training programs, an annual 2 - 3 day residential Conference, social events and training visits to the USA and Israel.

The University of Arkansas (often shortened to U of A, UARK, or just UA) is a public, co-educational, land-grant, space-grant, research university located in Fayetteville, in the U.S. state of Arkansas. It is the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System which comprises six main campuses within the state – the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, the University of Arkansas at Monticello, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Over 25,000 students are enrolled in over 188 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. It is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a research university with very high research activity. Founded as Arkansas Industrial University in 1871, its present name was adopted in 1899 and classes were first held on January 22, 1872. It is noted for its strong architecture, agriculture (particularly animal science and poultry science), business, communication disorders, creative writing, history, law, and Middle Eastern studies programs. The University of Arkansas was founded in 1871 on the site of a hilltop farm that overlooked the Ozark Mountains, giving it the nickname "The Hill." The university was established under the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act of 1862. The university's founding also satisfied the provision in the Arkansas Constitution of 1868 that the General Assembly was to "establish and maintain a State University."

At the University of South Florida the Department of Religious Studies primary area of academic strength is the interdisciplinary scholarly analysis and interpretation of religion, culture, and society using the theories and methodologies of the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Faculty in the Department of Religious Studies at USF generally hold the Ph.D. degree (and/or another pertinent doctorate) in one or more of the related humanities, social science, or science disciplines or professions (JD, MD).

University of Waterloo (commonly referred as Waterloo or UW) is a public research university whose main campus is located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The main campus is located on 404 hectares (1,000 acres) of land in Uptown Waterloo, adjacent to Waterloo Park. The university offers a wide variety of academic programs, which is administered by six faculties and ten faculty-based schools. The university also operates foursatellite campuses and four affiliated university colleges. Waterloo is a member of the U15, a group of research-intensive universities in Canada. The university traces its origins to 1 July 1957 as the Waterloo College Associate Faculties, a semi-autonomous entity of Waterloo College (which later evolved into the present-day Wilfrid Laurier University). The entity had formally separated from Waterloo College in 1959, and was incorporated as a university. The university was established in order to fill the need of a program to train engineers and technicians for Canada’s growing postwar economy. Since then, the university had greatly expanded, adding a faculty of arts in 1960, and the College of Optometry of Ontario moving from Toronto in 1967.

Valley Beth Shalom (informally called VBS) is a Conservative Synagogue in Encino, Los Angeles, California. With over 1,800 member families, it is one of the largest synagogues in Los Angeles and one of the largest Conservative synagogues in the United States. Newsweek includes it on its list of America’s 25 Most Vibrant Congregations, saying "Valley Beth Shalom continues to be one of America's most relevant and community-minded synagogues." The synagogue and its schools provide education for all ages. The Harold M. Schulweis Day School, a member of the Solomon Schechter Day School Association, has over 250 students. Etz Chaim Hebrew School is also headquartered at the synagogue. VBS is a member of the Far West Region of United Synagogue Youth.

Vanderbilt University (or Vandy) is a private research university located in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Founded in 1873, the university is named in honor of shipping and rail magnate "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt, who provided the school its initial $1 million endowment despite having never been to the South. The Commodore hoped that his gift and the greater work of the university would help to heal the sectional wounds inflicted by the Civil War.

Yeshiva University is a private university in New York City, with six campuses in New York and one in Israel. Founded in 1886, it is a research university. The University's undergraduate schools—Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women, and Syms School of Business— offer a dual curriculum inspired by Modern-Centrist Orthodox Judaism’s hashkafa (philosophy) of Torah Umadda ("Torah and secular knowledge") combining academic education with the study of Torah. Yeshiva is perhaps best known for its secular, highly selective graduate schools, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Yeshiva University is an independent institution chartered by New York State. It is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and by several professional agencies.

Yeshivat Har Etzion: The Etzion bloc of religious settlements, known as Gush Etzion, stands on a hilly perch 12 miles south of Jerusalem in the heart of Judea. Jewish settlers were forced to abandon it in 1929, and yet a third time after a valiant defense in 1948 during Israel’s War of Independence. At the time, David Ben-Gurion said of the settlers, “If a Jewish Jerusalem exists today, the thanks of Jewish history and the whole people must first go to the fighters of Gush Etzion.” After the region was recaptured, many children of the original founders, along with other settlers, returned to establish the Etzion bloc as an integral part of the State of Israel. As part of this redemptive effort, Yeshivat Har Etzion was founded on September 27, 1967. It was conceived both as a memorial to the heroic sacrifices of the past and as a vehicle for creating and realizing a vision of the future.

Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi is a Modern Orthodox yeshiva, located in Katamon, Jerusalem, Israel. It was founded in 2004 Rabbi David Ebner and Rabbi Yehuda Susman serve as the Rashei Yeshiva. Rav Ebner also serves as the Yeshiva's Mashgiach ruchani. The menahel of the Yeshiva is Rav Benny Pflanzer. The Yeshiva employs a total of 16 Rabbis, from a range of different backgrounds.

York University (French: Université York) is a public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is Ontario's second-largest graduate school and Canada's third-largest university. York University has approximately 55,000 students, 7,000 faculty and staff, and 250,000 alumni worldwide. It has eleven faculties, namely the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Faculty of Science, Schulich School of Business, Osgoode Hall Law School, Glendon College, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Lassonde School of Engineering, Faculty of Graduate Studies, and 28 research centres.